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The open call for residencies within the ACuTe project has already initiated several residency programs. ACuTe is a trend setting, large-scale European innovation project supported by the European Union Creative Europe programme, aiming to revolutionize the way theatre and performing arts are produced and performed with emerging technology and new forms of cultural collaboration and competence development.


June 2023

Det Norske Teatret, Hosted by Azkuna Zentroa

September 2023

Web News

January 2024

Hosted by Azkuna Zentroa

Web news



February 2024

Théâtre de Liège, hosted by the Academy for Theatre and Digitality

Spring 2024

Toneelmakerij, hosted by the Academy for Theatre and Digitality

Slovene National Theatre, hosted by the Academy for Theatre and Digitality

Oulu, Hosted by the Academy for Theatre and Digitality

Summer/Autumn 2024

EKA Estonian Academy of Arts, hosted by the Academy for Theatre and Digitality

As these residencies unfold, they build towards the premieres scheduled to showcase the outcomes of these collaborative endeavors. Each premiere is a culmination of artistic exploration, technological innovation, and cultural engagement, offering audiences a unique and transformative experience at the intersection of theatre, technology, and creative expression. 


Premiere Dates:

March 22, 2023
Schauspielhaus Graz, WUNDERLAND

March 1, 2024

June 29, July 1 and 2, 2024
National Theatre Marin Sorescu

July 2024
Slovene National Theatre

Autumn 2024
EKA Estonian Academy of Arts

November 6, 2024
Théâtre de Liège

March 2025

April 15, 2025
Det Norske Teatret

May 2025
Azkuna Zentroa

Project framework


ACuTe is being delivered via a strong partnership of 14 leading theatres, universities and creative arts organizations including Ars Electronica, the European Theatre Convention, and Europe’s first Academy for Theatre and Digitality. From 10 different European countries, this consortium will achieve new approaches and models for testing of new technology leading to audience development, co-creation, and capacity development within performing arts and theatre institutions. 

With an interdisciplinary approach integrating digital technology and co-creation methodologies, a new type of ‘culture testbed’ will be created. These testbeds will lead to the testing and tangible prototyping of new technologies within performing arts productions under three themes: 1. new dramaturgies, 2. stage design and 3. audience engagement – innovations on how we tell stories on stage, how they are produced, and the way audiences interact and engage with them. Specifically, a series of nine (9) separate experimental theatre productions will be designed, produced, and performed as the core of the testbed outputs. 

Other activities include European level knowledge transfer events, online content for professional communities, training workshops and online and face-to-face activities offered with the partnering institutions focusing on developing professional capacity in the deep integration of technology in the long-term theatre production process. Culture testbeds will also enable meaningful communication with and engagement of audiences across Europe and within the European theatre sector.

Within this project, nine different residencies will take place bringing together research, development and the application of new innovative methods and technologies within nine different theatre productions

Each of the residencies focuses on a specific innovation and artistic-technological challenge faced by one of the nine ACuTe planned productions. 

The 9 residencies will be closely supported by one of two ACuTe partner institutions – the Academy for Theatre and Digitality (Dortmund, Germany) and Azkuna Zentroa Alhóndiga Bilbao (Spain). Residencies will take place at either Dortmund or Bilbao for the research and development component, and then at the theatre / production host for the application component of the residency.

The Academy for Theatre and Digitality (Dortmund, Germany) will support five residencies and is a globally unique model for digital innovation, artistic research and technology-oriented education and training. It is a centre for the development of new theatre forms and technologies significantly shaped by digitalisation.

Azkuna Zentroa Alhóndiga Bilbao (Spain) accompanies four residencies via invitation and is the Bilbao Society and Contemporary Culture Centre, with a local and international perspective open to dialogue with different community groups. Azkuna Zentroa is a place to take part in culture as a practice, process, and space for experiences.

The Open Calls to apply for one of the nine production-specific residencies was published gradually between April and June 2023 on the homepage of the following project partners and their social media channels by ACuTe webpage, ETC, Azkuna Zentroa and Academy for Theatre and Digitality.