When and how did theatres adopt technology? You can find a written overview of technological theatre from the past to the present in the report “From past to present: the journey of technological theatre”, written within the framework of the ACuTe-project.
The report outlines the historical and theoretical background needed to develop the objectives of the ACuTe-project. The report places current developments in historical context and discusses the earlier artistic, technological and cultural antecedents of virtual reality, inclusion, and the use of remote technologies. The report states that digitalization is no longer a new phenomenon and that it intersects with traditional practices and materials, which is reflected in post-digital developments.
Through the centuries, it has been the dream of artists to create a world close to reality. Examples of works of art or architectural environments where the viewer is offered to enter an artificial environment can be cited through several millennia.
The theatre sought to conquer viewers’ senses with visual effects and substantive innovations. For centuries, the theatre space has functioned as a source of illusory reality and an environment to travel into imaginary worlds. We could say that the theatre has always been a virtual reality.
Authors: Raivo Kelomees, Taavet Jansen and Petri Hoppu
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